Quick Class Descriptions  - FYI

Below you will find a quick summary description of our upcoming classes that we are offering.


Intuitive Spiritual Development: Are you ready to advance your spiritual path and develop your intuitive abilities? Our goal is to provide you with a strong foundation to connect with your spiritual path. Each weekly circle will focus on specific topics and exercises including meditation. This Circle is designed to assist your spiritual growth and develop your psychic/mediumship abilities. Our Spiritual development courses are based on your level of experience. If you are not sure where to start, please feel free to reach out to Lory or Jean… our contact info is on the home page.

Choose your level: Level 1 Beginners foundations for intuition and spiritual subjects; Level 2 know you have abilities but need some fine tuning; Level 3  you got this but could use some guidance and lots of practice.

September 29th, Special Angel Event: Feast of the Archangels with Jean: – There are three Archangels mentioned specifically in religious scriptures: Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Their individual feast days were combined to one day in which to celebrate all three Archangels in September. Come to this class and experience meditations to connect with each Archangel and learn about their roles and how they can support you. This is a high vibrational energy day as it is their Feast Day.

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